Hello PC Users! This Comspec disk is filled with an assortment of games, applications and utilities written by other PC users like yourself. Not all, but some of the files on this disk are SHAREWARE products. This means that they are freely distributable, but the original author(s) request some sort of small financial payment if you feel that their program has been a help to you. Your SHAREWARE contribution to the authors will help to insure that future programs are offered in this way. It's a great idea, allowing the consumer to pay only for the programs they actually like and use, and the authors to have less bother with the business end of things. The money is mailed directly to the author. More information, and the addresses of the authors are available within the documentation files that accompany the program. All of the programs on this disk have been compressed using an ARChive utility. This means the files will not run as they are, and must be restored using the supplied NARC utility. To use this enter "narc" at the dos prompt. You will need an extra blank disk to restore the files onto. Enjoy...